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1、- Did you enjoy your college life?
– ________________________.
正确选项1.Yes, it was rich and colorful(V)
2、- The red dress fits me very much, doesn’t it?
– _______________________.
正确选项1.Yes, it does(V)
3、- Where is John? I couldn’t find him.
– _____________________.
正确选项1.I suppose he could have gone to the meeting room(V)
4、- Would you like to come to our party this weekend?
– _______________________.
正确选项1.I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party(V)
5、- Brand was Jane’s brother!
– _______________, he reminded me so much of Jane!
正确选项1.No wonder(V)
6、- Cherry, what do you think of today’s English homework?
– _____________________.
正确选项1.That’s a little difficult for me(V)
7、- Could I make an appointment with Dr. Zhang to check my teeth tomorrow morning?
– _______________________.
8、- Could you please help me choose an Mp4 player online?
– ___________________. My computer doesn’t work.
正确选项1.I’m afraid I can’t(V)
9、- David, are you OK? You look so nervous.
– ________________.
正确选项1.Do I? I’m going to deliver my speech tomorrow(V)
10、- Do you mind if I record your lecture?
– ________________________.
正确选项1.No, not at all(V)


11、- How do you feel about your family life?
– ____________________________.
正确选项1.Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother(V)
12、- How long have you been graduated from your college?
– _________________________.
正确选项1.I’ve been graduated for five years(V)
13、- I am taking care of my grandmother this year.
– ________________________
正确选项1.It is not an easy job, isn’t it?(V)
14、- I can’t find my mobile phone. I’m sure it’s in this room.
– _____________. I’ll call you with my phone. When it rings, you can follow the sound.
正确选项1.Don’t worry(V)
15、- I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow.
– ______________________.
正确选项1.Take it easy(V)
16、- I have been having a headache this whole morning.
– _______________________
正确选项1.You’d better go to see a doctor.(V)
17、- I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep.
– ________________The point is ….
正确选项1.Yes, it’s understandable.(V)
18、- I still prefer traditional formal education if possible.
正确选项1.Yeah, there are many advantages in formal education.(V)
19、- I’m so sorry for breaking your cup.
– Oh, ____________________, I’ve got a lot of cups.
正确选项1.forget it(V)
20、- Is your grandmother getting well now?
– ___________________________.
正确选项1.Yes, she is much better now. Thank you(V)


21、- It’s raining so heavily outside. I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety.
– _____________________________.
正确选项1.Don’t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound(V)
22、- Linda, what’s wrong with your grandmother?
– ______________________________.
正确选项1.She hurt her leg(V)
23、- Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.
– ________________________.
正确选项1.Don’t worry, Honey(V)
24、- Someone knocked on the door. Without thinking, I opened it.
– _____________________________.
正确选项1.That was not a very wise decision, Miss(V)
25、- Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll ask Mary to take it to you soon.
– _______________. I’ve bought a new one.
正确选项1.No hurry(V)
26、- Try motivating Tony to cooperate by rewarding his good behavior.
– _______________________________.
正确选项1.It’s easier said than done, but I will try(V)
27、- What are your great strengths?
– _____________________.
正确选项1.I am very active in discussion(V)
28、- Why do you think there is so much crime?
– _________________________.
正确选项1.In my opinion, our efforts in crime prevention are not good enough(V)



1、This is the first time that she has been to China, _____?
正确选项1.isn’t it(V)
2、_____you know the person, ______the quality of care you can provide.
正确选项1.The better … the higher(V)
3、______ a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.
4、_______ yelling, you’d better whisper.
正确选项1.Instead of(V)
5、______language, there would be no way to communicate and express ourselves.
6、_____mode, there are impromptu speeches, extemporaneous speeches, speeches from reciting, speeches from manuscript, etc.
正确选项1.In terms of(V)
7、Anti-spyware helps _____ spyware _____ being used.
正确选项1.prevent … from(V)
8、At that time my wife took care of our children alone, and I seldom stayed at home _____being very busy with work.
正确选项1.due to(V)
9、Besides, modern technology also encourages______and creativity in the business world.
10、Burglars increase the risk of being noticed while sticking around a well-lit house or trying to _______.
正确选项1.break in(V)
11、By making learning _______ anytime and anywhere, distance education is a powerful tool for supporting lifelong learning.
12、Children are exposed to too much on the Internet without appropriate _______.
13、Criminals may lure them into inappropriate chat rooms or ask them to go out, ______ may do them great harm.
14、Demand for ______ care services in China will continue to rise due to the increased aging population.
15、Do you mind me ______ how old you are?
16、Drug offenses and addiction can have serious _____for your children.
17、Encourage them to talk to other residents or _______ in games, discussions or day trips.
18、English _____ words ____ many languages, doesn’t it?
正确选项1.borrows …from(V)
19、English borrows words from many languages, ______?
正确选项1.doesn’t it(V)
20、English has an official or a special status in 75 countries with a _____ population of over 2 billion.


21、For instance, they are often polite _____ tone, formal in style.
22、For the last hundred years, the U.S.A. has played ______ in most parts of the world.
正确选项1.a leading role(V)
23、Formal education tends to be not ______ as open and distance education.
正确选项1.as flexible(V)
24、Going jogging after work has also become popular, _____ it is a convenient way to exercise.
25、Gradually you will remember the words you are not _______.
正确选项1.familiar with(V)
26、He asked his neighbor to ________ his house.
正确选项1.keep an eye on(V)
27、He asked John ______ he could swim.
28、Help your children choose the websites they ______.
正确选项1.go to(V)
29、Hi, Zhang Hua, your phone looks _______! Can I have a look?
正确选项1.so different(V)
30、I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and _____asleep.
31、I have_______ some courses and software to my smartphone.
32、I hope you are making______ for continuing education in your life.
33、I know feng shui is also used in English, ______ many people in the West believe.
正确选项1.in which(V)
34、I often feel _____ when I engage myself in my online learning.
35、I prefer ______ who know my daily habits and my likes and dislikes.
36、I_____in this room watching television when someone_____on the door.
正确选项1.was sitting …knocked(V)
37、If you really can’t help _____ the subtitles, pay attention to the new words and phrases.
38、If you want to make your presentation______, you may use some visual aids.
39、In the past, it used to be very difficult to start a business, _______ the lack of capital and business information.
正确选项1.because of(V)
40、In the past, it used to be very difficult to start a business, because of the ____ of capital and business information.


41、Instead of boring old textbooks which are quickly_____ you can have an interactive learning experience through MOOCs.
正确选项1.out of date(V)
42、Interestingly, I notice that there are some Chinese words in English _____!
正确选项1.as well(V)
43、It ____ some time before my wife returned and released me.
44、It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response ______ the challenge of the global knowledge economy.
45、It says that China’s cases of juvenile crimes are _______.
正确选项1.going up(V)
46、It sounds like ______ for pupils and students.
正确选项1.a piece of good news(V)
47、It would be easier to find different places, ask for directions, and even ______ food.
48、It’s a little inconvenient because my mind didn’t_____80 but my body did, and I find that sometimes my mind follows my body too.
49、Join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to_____discipline.
50、Language is how we _____ our thoughts with the world.
51、More than 20 people______at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation.
正确选项1.showed up(V)
52、Most universities have added new programs for adults who seek to ____employment with part-time study.
53、My men began searching the area _______ we received your call.
正确选项1.as soon as(V)
54、My mind didn’t turn 80 but my body______ , and my mind follows my body too!