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一、交际用语(108 题)

  1. —A: Could we make a tentative appointment for, say, this Saturday? —B:(That’s fine for me.)
  2. —A: Hello, Bill Burton speaking.(A.What can I do for you?) —B: Hello, Mr. Burton, this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call.
  3. —A: I can put you down for eleven o’clock. Is that OK?—B(:Oh, I’ll be having an interview that time. How about 3 o’clock in the afternoon?)
  4. —A: I have an appointment with Mr. Xie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, but would you please postpone it to sometime next week?—B: All right.
  5. —A: I have many questions about studying abroad. —B: Would you like to make an appointment?(Let’s say Wednesday afternoon at two?)
  6. —A:Could we make a tentative appointment for,say,this Saturday?—B:(That’s fine for me.)
  7. —A:Hello,Bill Burton speaking.(A.What can I do for you?)—B:Hello,Mr.Burton,this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call.
  8. —A:I can put you down for eleven o’clock.Is that OK?—B:(Oh, I’ll be having an interview that time. How about 3 o’clock in the afternoon?)
  9. —A:I can put you down for eleven o’clock.Is that OK?—B:(How about 3o’clock in the afternoon?)
  10. —A:I have an appointment with Mr.Xie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morning,but would you please postpone it to sometime next week?—B:(All right.)
  11. —A:I have many questions about studying abroad.—B:Would you like to make an appointment?(A.Let’s say Wednesday afternoon at two?)
  12. —A:(What do you think)are the most popular things people buy online?—B:Definitely, clothes.
  13. —Have you had a nice journey?—(B.Yes,we have.)
  14. —Have you had a nice journey?—(B.Sure)
  15. —Haven’t seen you for ages,Mike.(B.How’s it going?)—Pretty good.Everything goes well.
  16. —Can you stay here longer? —(I’d love to), but I have to be back tomorrow.
  17. —Could we make an appointment for this Saturday? —(That’s fine for me.)
  18. —Could you do me a favor? —(Sure. What do you need?)
  19. —Could you please tell me something about the two(Germans)?—(All right.)They arc exchange students of No.1 Middle School.
  20. —Do you have time this afternoon? —(I’m afraid not. I have an appointment with Mr.Black.)

二、词汇与语法(212 题)

  1. A home should be(comfortable)and friendly.
  2. A new computer(costs)a lot of money.
  3. A pair of spectacles(is)what I need at the moment.
  4. A trial project wil(l make use of)renewable energy sources such as wind power to supply heat.
  5. All the trees(were planted)last summer.
  6. Allan is looking forward to(meeting)you in summer holiday.
  7. Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke(highly)of the Langkawi Sky Bridge.
  8. As an innovative company, Tesla has a(bright)future in ChinA.
  9. As the American(publication)Newsweek puts it: China is now engaged in a railway revolution.
  10. As the population keeps climbing,people in the city have to face the reality that housing is in short(supply).
  11. Besides,you need to protect your password,because all the transaction(is carried out)through your bank account.
  12. Both the kids and their parents(are)English, I think. I know it from their accent.
  13. But the Bridge was firs(t open)to the public,almost one year later,after a series of tests and evaluations.
  14. Cleaner heating system will be(established)in Beijing to control air pollution.
  15. Cleaner heating system will(be established)in Beijing to control air pollution.
  16. Could you tell me(how)I can get to the museum?
  17. Do you know the year(when)the Labor’s Day was founded?
  18. Do you recognize the man (I spoke to)?
  19. Do you think Dad will(allow)you to go to Jamie’s party.
  20. Each apartment only(takes)15 to 30 square meters for one unit.
  21. Eggs, though rich in nourishment, have(a large amount)of fat.
  22. For days,smog persisted in many areas.China is(taking measures)to control air pollution.
  23. Give a brief(introduction)to the host.
  24. Have you filled in the application form(for)your passport yet?
  25. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he(would have come)to the meeting.
